Deep Blue Sea 3 (2020) Movie Review

CM Pandey
8 min readAug 5, 2020


Deep blue sea 3 and i’ll tell you i sat down and watched this movie and i’m going to rip this movie apart but you know what i liked it, i really did i’ll tell you like it didn’t take much for it to be better than the second one because like you know you sit and you watch movies sometimes and god honestly when you finish them, you wonder what why they were even made and part two was like that it was absolutely terrible man they made up for with this movie in fact i don’t even think they referenced the second movie at all in this one they’re trying to tie it into the first movie um if you look at the trivia on this movie.

it takes place 20 years exactly 20 years after the first one and basically what it is is there’s a like a research team led by Tanya Redmond, who plays Emma Collins and her group of researchers and they’re looking at how climate change is affecting the great white shark and it’s kind of cool too because their research facility is this floating village called the happy and it was pretty cool,

I mean this movie had a budget of five million dollars and they spent every penny of it to make this movie look good and i think they did a really good job also too a couple things before i get into it here. john pogue is the director he has got five movies under his belt as far as directing goes, but if you do research on this guy he is more of a writer and it shows in this movie, because he’s not listed as one of the writers in this but i’m sure he had a hand in it but if you have a good written script for pretty, you know good actors and actresses to work off of it shows and it did in this movie because honestly the story was pretty cool until we get into the third act which i’ll get into and then but the acting for the most part was great i mean you’ve got some recognisable faces in here and you’ve got some people i’ve never seen before.

but they all killed it Tonya Redmond or Raymond sorry plays Emma Collins she’s like the head kind of research person in charge of this facility. I just just from my own personal opinion here she is absolutely stunning like i man if i could mold the perfect woman i had never seen her before and i was like, where did she come from so man she just that right there she was fantastic and then uh Nathaniel ballistic is her ex-boyfriend who comes into the movie kind of midway halfway through the the first actor he’s kind of starts off as kind of the bad guy which you know he is right away Emerson brooks and it was funny he plays Eugene Shaw he’s part of the research team and as soon as he came out of the water onto this this floating research village and took his scuba suit off i thought.

There’s only one reason why this guy’s in this movie and it worked it really did, because honestly if you break this movie down this i i fully believe that this movie was made more geared towards women which is fine i got no problem with that at all but it’s just the way things end up at the end of the movie and it’s like, yeah the women are beautiful in it but the men are too.

it’s like this guy is in this movie solely because he could honestly be Dwayne Johnson the rock’s brother like as soon as he took his scuba suit off, i thought okay this guy’s in here for the ladies so is Bren Forster who kind of plays the muscle, you know what i mean for Richard Lowe who’s the bad guy and even, you know Nathaniel ballistic is a good looking guy too right so i mean you’ve got a whole research facility full of just stunning looking people you know, what i mean but it is definitely geared towards women and it’s just the way it plays out, because i don’t want to give spoilers here but i’m so plug your ears here for 10 seconds but by the time this movie’s over all the men are dead all of them. and all the women survive which is totally fine you know what i mean and you have to watch this movie kind of play out in front of you but you’ll see what i mean as it as it goes through so but enough of that i mean it.

Made no difference to me i just i thought it was a pretty good movie really, so it’s basically first act we’re introduced to this research facility and the people on it, and then along comes uh Richard Lowell in his giant, you know trillion dollar ship that he rolls up on and he lets them know he lets Emma Collins and her crew know that um they’re there because there’s three bull sharks that are coming their way and this is how they’re tying it into the first one,

I don’t know what the main shark’s name was from the first movie deep blue sea but they’re saying it’s offspring of her and we all know that she was genetically modified and so are these sharks and they’re just wreaking havoc and killing everything they come in the path with on the way through the sea.

here and they have to be stopped and they’re on a you know beeline course for this research facility so that’s pretty much the end of the first act the second act is is them trying to stop these things and you know there’s there’s there’s twists and turns in this movie and it’s like there’s always conflict-ion and stuff like that and then you think Richard Lowell is the bad guy but then he he sees the light of day and then he turns into a good guy and then that’s when when Lucas you know kind of the muscle of the movie uh you know he kind of becomes the bad guy.

Into the third act is where this movie lost a lot of steam for me um i just you know the first act was incredible i mean the underwater shots the scenery the pacing was fantastic, i mean like we’re just introduced to characters in a in a manner of which you know i mean we get to learn about them and kind of their background and it’s not like force fed to us it was just it was really good pacing, even halfway through the second act it was good pacing there’s there’s some good gore in this movie there’s a couple kills that are predictable but it’s a shark movie so i mean people are gonna get eaten by these sharks.

but CGI sometimes looks really really good and sometimes it looks really really bad but that’s the same with any kind of a yeah i don’t even know if you can call this a lower budget movie, i looked it up and i found it had a budget of five million dollars i’m not sure if that was correct or not but i believe it but i think they spent a lot of the money on the practical just this floating island alone is is killer.

When you watch this movie you’ll know what i mean but once you get into the third act of this movie like god honestly, i honestly thought this movie was gonna end at certain points in this movie almost four times just the way, because the final battle scene and there’s that lead up you’re getting all worked up and then it happens and then it’s over right and that’s supposed to be end of the movie but then, there’s another ending and it leads up leads up like it like three four times they did that and by the end of it you’re exhausted and you just don’t care anymore like honestly they should have ended this movie got rid of two or three of the false endings that they give you and just focused on one big huge final climax and that would have helped this movie.

Along in the third act greatly and if you haven’t seen this you’ll you’ll know exactly what i’m talking about but i mean Jesus Christ by the end of this movie. I was like how many endings remember back in high school like i’m almost 50 right back in high school when a library was still a thing they used to have these novels out and i don’t know if they still do but you could read the novel like five six seven different times and depending on what chapter, you chose to continue on it would lead you to a different ending i can’t remember what those books were called for the older people in my who are watching this you’ll know what i’m talking about but that’s what this movie felt like it was like okay this is the ending oh that was great oh no we’re still going here oh okay this is the ending they can still squeeze two more endings in here like it just kept going and going and i was like what let’s just end the movie already he already had me like twice why you want to go for a third or fourth time.

So i don’t know anyways didn’t hate this movie though i just the the third act i i think they kind of dropped the ball and then the other thing too like this is definitely um you know a woman’s empowerment style movie and i’m totally cool with that don’t take it as i i’m not knocking that at all i thought this movie was pretty good the acting was fantastic, i just found it funny that all the men die some of them died in heroic ways though so, i mean that’s cool but all the women even there’s again i don’t want to give spoilers but there was one woman in here who like halfway through the second act, i made it apparently obvious she got eaten by a shark or give me that and then she pops up at the very end, so all the women live and all the guys die it’s all good you know what i mean it is a good movie well acted the effects were killer and uh yeah guys i highly recommend this movie, so if you have seen it leave me comments down below and if you haven’t seen it again highly recommend it for a rating i’d probably give it like a six maybe six and a half way better than the second one and yeah if you haven’t seen it go rent it come back and let me know what you think guys and until next time stay scared you.



CM Pandey

I am PHP Developer, Blogger, Youtuber.